How I stepped out of my comfort zone

Caia Yeung
3 min readJun 16, 2020


What are your plans going forward?

The life of a small business owner can be busy and challenging, and at times chaotic. It can be easy to fall into a routine of getting too comfortable, staying the same, and never changing or improving. However, getting stuck in your comfort zone can stop you from seeing and taking new opportunities, and hinder your business growth.

Over a year ago, I made a decision to move to Denmark and have a short education program. And I know this is the primary way by which to grow. But we are often afraid to take the first step.

I wanted to start the process and document my post-game story with everybody and hopefully bring some additional value.

After I’ve moved to Denmark, my goal is to step out of my comfort zone even more.

I think very pessimistically a lot. Being able to write really opened up my eyes and made me realise I had to shift my perspective. I need to start thinking more optimistically, instead of thinking about everything that can go wrong, which I do all the time, I need to start thinking about what can go right.

I always want to start my own website, a blog, and just starting one is like completely out of my comfort zone. Again, I build up these thoughts in my mind like, “who am I to start a website?” “Who’s going to want to read?” “No one’s going to read.” These are the things that are going through my mind, but you can’t think that way. I don’t know if people are going to read until I actually start writing.

A random day in March during the lockdown in Copenhagen, I actually had my first article written and has posted on LinkedIn and Medium. I’m going to write that article and then I’m going to share the post and I’m going to make that the first series about urban planning.

I also did interviews with other business owners. It was great to get different perspective on the subject, on being the starter in the process.

When it comes to stepping out of my comfort zone, I relate so much about overthinking things. I haven’t been posting as much on Instagram and LinkedIn because I’ve been overthinking it. I get this perception of like, “unless I’m professional enough or doing something that brings value, no one’s going to want to watch it.”

But I still posted one article on Medium and LinkedIn, and it got more than 50 views. And then I posted another and it got like nothing. You don’t really know it’s going to work and you don’t know what content people are going to really drive with until you actually do it.

Photo taken in Fælledparken, Copenhagen

“Things change when you see life in another perspective.”

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a self-development. And this is how one journey begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.



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